Collaborative edge-cLoud continuum and Embedded AI for a Visionary industry of thE futuRe
Coordinated vDU relocation for an Energy Efficient PON-based Open SD-RAN
Luca presented clever project at 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2024” in Bari, Italy, July 14-18, 2024, with the Technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE Photonics Society and organized by The National Institute of Telecommunications, former Department of Transmission and Optical Technologies in Warsaw, together with DEI – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e…
Clever Project at ICTON 2024
A Demo is presented by Michelangelo Guaitolini on RoCE which allows for direct memory transfers between systems, granting minimal latency and CPU overhead. This allows low-latency applications where data collection, analytics and feedback to the user are distributed between different nodes, optimizing resource management. RoCE has the potential to effectively support applications deployed on edge…
The CLEVER project was presented at the Seasonal School ARTIST “Pervasive ARTIficial Intelligence for Next-G Softwarized neTworks”
Clever Project Publication: Programmable Packet-Optical Networks using Data Processing Units (DPUs) with Embedded GPU
Abstract :Data Processing Units (DPUs) with embedded GPU have the potential to rev- olutionize optical networks functionalities at the edge. Use cases are presented for optical data monitoring with local AI processing and embedded security.
Clever Project Publication: AI-enabled Resource Optimization in Critical Computing Infrastructures
Abstract :The seamless orchestration of resources across the edge-cloud continuum has become a cornerstone in modern critical computing infrastructures. Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in enabling the fast and efficient management of diverse and demanding workloads. However, maintaining data security, while optimizing resources can be a significant challenge especially in multi-domain environments. AI…